Why I Love Junsu?i first got crushed to this wicked guy when i heard him singing 'one last cry'.yeah some ppl doubt that was him, but i do still believe that's his voice.
and then time passes by..
now it's been 3 years now. and day by day, i learnt everything abt him...he's such a nice person.
these are some of his a tractiveness....
but it's not in order...
SEX APPEALyeah he has this...isnt that HOT...
oh yeahhh baby...
His BIG BUTT aka S-Line
His crooked upper lipit's soo cute
His childish face..he's a 5 years old boy that actually stucked in a 21 years old man..XD
He's in charge in charisma..oh yeaahh..LMAO
Look at this...XD i wanna slap him..d'you feel you're that handsome, do you? XDDD
The way he smiles and laughs...*diesss*.jpg)

He Looks daymn GOOD wearing glasses
He's born to be cute...<3