2nd Gathering TVXQINDO FORUM, The Reviewgate was opened at 11 am
The Party...Look, even some ppl were standing on the chair that later on got warned by the waiter

SJGirl and Haruno, the dancers

Nissa, the Mc, she's holding the AAD 2
Reny, the winner of AAD 2..congratulations..^^the white one was Imel
Whoa it was a great and bright day for all of us as a moderating team. The 2nd gathering went well, and surprisingly the members that attended the party was 300 people! Wasn’t that amazing?
Im so happy and moved, I mean, at first our target were only like 200.. but we increased the target to 250, yeah with ofcourse some considerations. But look! We reached 300!
The commitees a.k.a The Moderating Team with SJGirls(Me with yellow hijab(Scarf))==> isnt that obvious by looking at my poses? LOL

My position in the committee was as an operator. So every songs, clips that played on that gathering were directed by me.*smug* So I just sit in the mixer booth, beside the stage. I really wanted to feel the party that day, but I couldn’t. T_T.
I made an opening clip for the gathering, how was it? Did you guys like it? I choosed Proud as the BGM, coz the title for the gathering was Proud Of Our Love. ^^. I made that clip for about 7-8 hours.. xDD. OMG, it’s just a 6 minutes clip. I cant imagine if I were an editor for a movie. xD.
The gathering was so fun. People was so happy and excited. The mc was so perfect for the event. Coz 1st, she’s a dj in one of radio in Bandung, and 2nd, she loves TVXQ!
We were having a great time together. People who attended the party were like around 13-17, but there’s also a mom with her kids were coming too, one of our staff was also a mom with 2 kids too and there’s an 11 years old boy who likes YunHo, he said the reason was because YunHo can dance really good. Wow.. no gender and age boundaries for liking TVXQ coz All of them are so talented, rite?
Since, Thank GOD, we were supported with a lot of sponsores,like magazines, radios, one of the well known Familly Karaoke, even an online game like Ayo Dance or Audition was supporting us. Thank you for all of the sponsores, and of course one of EO that have helped us a lot, financially *cough*. Thank you thank you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Our party was held in MU Café and Bar, yeah that soccer club, actually im an Arsenal fans, so yeah.. LOL. I was afraid that I would be banned coz i love Arsenal instead MU, but that’s totally a silly thought tho’. xD. The gate was opened at 11 am, and the show started at 11.45. there’re a lot of games, karaoke contest, dances, and quizes. The main prize in our gathering was *drumroll* All About TVXQ Season 2!!!. Congratulations to all of the winners!!, especially for Reny who won the AAD 2. Ah, one of the contestant in Karoke contest was amazed us. She sang Magic Castle, OMG her voice was so amazing…! When the mc asked her which member was her favourite, she answered that Junsu was her fave and she really wanna have a duet with him. Ah, it’s already 3 pm, and the show must ended, but we all were happy rite?
Did you have fun? I hope you did.
Thank you to all of you that have attented the party.

Okay let me tell you the behind story of 2nd Gathering TVXQIndo. ^^. We booked a room in one of apartment in Center Jakarta, we were like 9 people! LOL. we brought a lot of things for the goodie bag, a red balloons, a lot of things!! That night was so fun, everyone has their own task, thehehehe…. Cutting, putting the gifts to the goodie bag, and stuffs. But we were having fun, chatting about many things. Went to bed around 1 am, and have to wake up at 4.30. kyahahaha….coz we have to set the place at 7 am. but what happened was, we were set at 8 am!!! LOL.
Totally one of the best day of our life. We prepared this event 4 months ago, and Thank GOD, it went well. In our forum we asked the members to made a testimony about the party, and they said it was rox.. but also said that the duration was just too short. ^^;;;.
See you next year…