YOOSU IS TO DIE FORFrom BONJOUR PARIS, Talking about Their Dogs[credit: 09ambot09@YT + LiveJournal][translation (credit to DBSK1004@YT) YC: Aw he's so handsome(after seeing the pic of Junsu's dog)JS: Yea we should take him around togetherYC: haha,yeah we should carry him in our car because he's so big.JS: This is my dog(showing picture to camera)YC:Junsu isn't even familiar with what his dog looks like(joking around).JS:His name is "Xia-ki"(to the cameraman)YC:(xia=short for xiah and ki=first letter of saying "to take care of" So it means a dog xiah is taking care ofJS: But I have to change his name now to "Jun-ki" because my twin brother(Junho)takes care of him now.YC:yeah,Junsu doesn't even take care of himJS:oh!i changed Xia-ki's name,it's now "Xia-dae"YC:Xia-dae? JS:(explaining to YC)A dog xiah brought/bought..(Xia=xiah & Dae=first letter of saying brought/bought)
JS:Yeah it can't be Xia-Ki anymore...(while looking at the picture again^^)
YC:My Shong-hee is the best! (shong-hee=name of Jaejoong's dog!!)]
Ya Yoochunah..your dog's name is Cheo La, right?1 Shong Hee is Jaejoong's dog's name!! XD