Acid, Imel, and Pica^^
Me and Acid..
Anyoung….oren maneieyo..
It’s again been a while since my last entry. Im so sorry, it’s not that I already fed up with this blogie thingy, but for the past days, I always went out with my girls. Thehehe… susu went back to Indonesia until February, so I cant online for a while. xD.
Me and Susu ^^
Oh No! XD
On Saturday finally we met again with Susu, she went back to Indonesia for a month. We missed her already.*cough* we met at the regular place everytime we make a gathering in Mall Taman Anggrek, which is Starbucks..XD like no where else. LOL. have a chat for like an hours or so, until the Bandung’s army came. XD. They’re late! We off from that place and decided to eat at the food court. Finally I saw Bonjour Paris which Susu brought that day, I found some pictures of Junsu that I never seen that before at his fansites. We met with with some Tvxqindo members, and astrid and her sister. Took some pictures, then went back home. Btw that day I was in love with tvxq’s fanfic called Misery, and I just cant stop talking abt that fanfic, that made Cipa and Susu angry at me. Gomen gomen.. hahahaha…
Holy was dancing on My Pgae with Junsu's original cap..hohohohoho...
Me as the administrator, took a picture with Holy, as a winner.
Roku,Acid,Susu, and Imel..
me and Imel...

So, last Sunday our forum made a special gathering, we decided to watch “TVXQ! The 2nd Asia Tour Concert “O”” at the famous family karaoke in Jakarta. There were like 40 people that came, there’re boys too…thehehehe…. We were having fun watching the whole show, screaming, shouting, laughing together…. That was totally a happy day for us.
After that we went to Plaza Senayan, and have a great conversations with the remaining members. That was totally a great conversations that we didn’t realize it’s already 9 PM. Hahaha…. ‘asal AA senang, dan kami terlibat didalamnya’… KYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA……don’t force me to translate that..hahaha.that was only a random sentence.

Again, on Monday, Susu asked me wether I can go or not to Mall Taman Anggrek to met Shiva and Imel. At first I refused it, coz for the past 2 days I always went out with them, man, the taxi tax was so expensive, coz I leave in suburbia. XDDD. Thahahaha…. But Susu teased me that she already downloaded EHB part 2. and she said that Junsu was soo effin funny yet hot in that episode.. XD. Actually the reason why I cant met them that day was because my friend will come to my boarding house, but on the last minute she sent me a text telling me that she cant go. So, perfect! I went to MTA rite away. Thehehehe…..
We met at Hoka-hoka Bento, and watched EHB together. Hahaha… the one that when Junsu was crying after took a bite that spicy pepper was totally cracked us up! DANG!! Huakakakak that was sooo funnieeee….. at first we can see how he maintained his expressions, not to look like a freakkin idiot after eat that pepper, but then when no camera arround, he cried like a baby, cried for some water. KYAHAHAHAH….my baby…. XDDDD. I love to watch that scene over and over again.
what are you lookin' at,Mel? XD
Me and Erin^^
Say Hi to the camera!

Ahh,,..i forgot to inform you..kkkk..
On January 3rd, we decided to make a gathering with everyone that went to Thailand last December. We were sharing our fancams and pics that day, and reminiscing the memories , we really want to go to their concert once again…. Hopefully this year! AMEN!
My brand new perfume... same as Junsu's *i hope*
some unseen pics from Bonjour Paris..
ahh my precious....^^

BONUS for today....
got these from Baidubar...
kkkkk...our precious pictures of my baby...
very recent pictures of Junsu..^^