My Trip to Singapore...*WARNING : lots of pics! you miss me already?
*hugsandkisses*Sorry for kind of abandonning my so sorry...but seems my interest in writings' fading out...T_TBut i promise i will post my entry regularly just like it used to be..^///^, how come this sick girl went to Singapore? dad was totally dissagree when I told him that i want to go to meet my friends there.But finally, i made it. and here i was, in Singapore on June 20th, coz this month is a holiday for students, i didnt get the plane ticket, so i went to Singapore by ferry, went to Batam by Plane, and crossed the the straits by ferry. And finally arrived at Harbour Front at 2 PM, where both Susu and my cousins waited me..*ureshiiiii*So here are the pictures that taken from that journey...DAY 1Met Susu and My cousins(Agung and Harris), they're studying in SIngapore..

That book actually made Susu forget that i was there..>.>;
Having a dinner at papper lunch..and our look were trully exhausted just 30minutes, i saw 4 couples kissing at that thing..O_o;; *not in public pleaseee*
welcome to Clarke Quay
The famous turkish ice cream...

Day 2It's shopping time...^P^
at nite, we went to Cathay to see Get Smart, and met manda and her sister there..
the random pics on our way back home..

Day 3sightseeing and ended up shopping,.. hahaha..but i had to tell my hubby that i need more money, so i called him to transfer some money to my savings...LOL.

To Merlion...Susu told me that Merlion is

The Famous Merlion..

Day 4The last day in Singapore...Thanx Susu, Manda, and Agung for being my tour guide..till we meet again....
i love this chicken sooo much, but i was totally Paebullo...This was from BBQ Chicken..I LOVE that restaurant coz we can watch FITB DVD for free..khkhkhk...

you know what, finally i can drive myself to my kindergarten!!!
it took 30 minutes ride, but i told you, 30 mins ride in Pekanbaru is considered F.A.R.
i was there 19 years ago..XDDD's gladiator shoe..! and finally i found yunho's bag, yeah, i mean, it simillar with yunho;s..hahaha....