how d'you guys've been doing??it's wednesday..kind of cloudy wednesday in here..and this morning i just relaized that's today is a's Isra Mi'raj...><;. *slapshead*im going to Pekanbaru tomorrow..*i hope* and back to a squid's connections..X.Xah you know what, for the last 2 days MANY THINGS HAD HAPENNED..*emphasized* MANY!3 days ago i lost almost like 100 GB from this stupid ext hd..TT_TT. like 90% of them haven't burnt to DVDs..LMAO...but LUCKILY on friday i went to Unnie's house to share some clips, and she saved most of the clips. Thank GOD, i went back to her house and took like 70% of it, coz unnie has deleted the non-TVXQ's datas... *screams* MY SHINEE,PERFUME, EPIK HIGH's files TT__TT...*squeals*and 2 days ago, *GAH I FELT LIKE IVE BEEN CURSED FOR THESE*, when i plugged in my ipod to the itunes, something went wrong, and this stupid girl, tried to unplug it out, and when she plugged back in, MY PLAYLIST GONE...G.O.N.E! T__________________Tif im not mistaken, there's more than 1900 songs in it, plus 20s videos, and more than 300 pictures... THE PROBLEM WAS...THOSE FILES ALREADY GONE along with my stupid fuckin moron ext hard disk! T_T I know what it feels like to be Changmin, when Jaejoong dropped his Ipod, and more than 3000 songs gone, and just like mine, every songs already deleted from his laptop. LOOOOLLLLL.Cangminah, it's true, felt like, 80% of my life's gone too...-_-;*back to our life shall we...*eh?!*LOLznow im sitting in front of my computer at the same pc bank,..but i guess i took the wrong pc, it's slowing down....and freezing everytime i tried to watch YT or freegg..>.>;I found this at YT. hahaha... so the Taesu thingy is still THERE?'s not that im jelous, or what, but i think because of my love to SNSD is fading away, i didnt find it cute anymore..beside, yess."that"*secret secret* story that felt like wanna puch taeyeon rite on her face..XD. But im much : XiahJSxlove @ YT*currently im listening to this cool song called Tokyo Lovelight..
it's a collaboration between DJ Makai and Yoochun. Yoochun's voice suits the melody and atmosphere of this song..but then, ya yoochun, i duno almost like 50% of your words..XDD. besides, if we talk abt club, yoochun's face will just popped like that..ROFL..*So the Music Station issue is on the headline once again...hahaha..feel bad for JE...Are you scared???!, look what our boys could do to our great J-froggedface..*XP*so are you dat scared at them that tried so fuckin hard to avoid their appereance at the show that you can easilly ruled? FACE IT DUDE....even your #1 boys cant beat them in any aspectsVOICE? GAHH, FACE?? ARE YOU CRAZY??, TALENTS? TALK TO MY HAND!By doing this, it'll just make you look even stupid than ever, in front of us, TVXQ fans...Kyahahahaha....*Gaahh..wha hapenned to this pc? keep on freezing..T_T. i cant log in to my YM..* *swt**Junsu From A-Nation 2008!really wanna hug him...sweaty Junsu that i loved.i wonder why they can took a pictures nicely at the A-Nation?
butim not complaining, just wondering..kkkkkk...nice shots, XIAHIN ! <33

Thank GOD, this year A-Nation has a nice outfits...XD
credit : dnbn+ xiahin