Friday, August 15, 2008 / 12:06 AM
That's why we love and hate those stalkers..
ahahaha....without them, there'll be no infos and ofcourse pictures..but my heart hurts seeing them been chasing everywhere and have no privacy at all... T_Tso one by one the members appeared with their newest concepts..
hahahaha,,, your hair alot!!!short,dark hair...that's totally PERFECT....!whoa, what hapenned to your arms?XD
still uncomfortable with your hair color?? gwenchanayooooooo!!
Jaejoong...okay, what's this? dark brown? blackish??hehm.but looks good tho'

yay...slightly he looks like Junsu..
ahahaha....never seen him has this short hair before..
is that Junsu's shirt???are you guys were together last nite?
XDDD..huahauhaua,,,YOOSU ALERT!
BONUS BONUS..huahuaha...Bigeastation #72JUNKO AND JEJUNKOJunsu's expression's to die for..hohohoho