BGM : TVXQ - HEY (Bring Me Down)
MOOD : excited
whoa im so proud for being one of TVXQINDO team for the past days because of this. Just wanna share the whole stories of my effort to make my forum being the 1st forum to have MIROTIC teaser, even faster than DNBN. Hahaha...
2 days ago, as always, went to the same net cafe, me and my friends were spazzing over TVXQ jacket cover trough YM. It was already a HIT ever since it's published trough the internet in the morning. i think it was arround 5 AM (Jakarta time), when i had had enough refreshing the DNBN site, and decided to log in to xiahsoul. Since the comp cant read hangeul(it wasnt installed), so I just clicked the 1st post carelessly, coz it says "Mirotic..*something2 in korean*",i clicked it,when suddenly, "What's this???!!!!!", there's a daum streaming, and i can see it clearly it was our boys, so i pushed the play button, and it's starting to play, MIROTIC!!!
im going crazy!!!! REALLY! i was chatting with SUsu that time, and stil trembling,i screamed "go to xiahsoul, 1st topic, QUICK!!!". Thanx to orbit, i downloaded the clip, and share it to my forum rite away! DAMN, im pretty sure, tvxqindo was the first forum to have that clip uploaded. i was so happy, excited, and so much euphoria that made me look so stupid. Hahaha.. i just cant breathe well after watching the teaser. DAMN YOU TVXQ!!!! It's just too perfect for the teaser!!!! Hahha.... when i saw SHINee's teaser last month, i was kind of jelous to see those juniors have a teaser for their album, and i talked to myself, TVXQ shud have one with an awesome clip!! and it's like a dream came true.
So how's the 2nd teaser story?just like the first entry, i was walking arround from site to site, and felt like ive been to every TVXQ sites yesterday, when i remembered it's been a long time since my last visit to sm-town's site. So i went to that site, at the front page, there're a lot of things related to the SM Town's activities, when suddenly i found a very clear picture that said, "2nd teaser", and i was so crazy that time..Hahaha.. once again downloaded the clip using orbit and uploaded to rite away. Yay, we made it twice, faster than DNBN. Hahahaha!!!
i made some caps from the 2nd teaser.
*i made my own logo for my blog..isnt that kawaii???* XD
is that a girl??
Look at this scene from 6th - 8th secs