081012 SBS Family Outing #9 Eps. 19
i wish all of 'em were participating..but well, with my HOSU everything was also fun to watch too..
hahaha.. ive been able to see Junsu's clumsiness even clearer..hahaha..
omg su, your iq was 100? it's okay baby...your dorkiness means world to me..hahahaa...*loph ya*
so there's a new OTP?
hahaha...or SURI? xDD
hyori-nuna seems liking Junsu alot..
omg, the way she threw that sand onto him was totally ammusing..yet, gawsh, did it hurt, honey? but it made my day...
huauahauhauha....what a crazy nuna..in a gud way..XDDD
and AHHHH NOO she touche my baby's duck butt.. i wish his pants was dropped..LOL.
sorry..c ant help it..
so many things that i remembered from this show, but it's hardly to tell coz it's 1:13 am already..T_T.
but dang..the new OTP, YUSANG was also amused me..
hahaha...ahh uri leader stole the casava..huahkahkahka.....it's a bit akward at first, but then Yunho as a gud hyung and dae sang a dork dungsaeng can blend well in harmony..hahaha...
*iwonderwhatwerevipsthinkingabtthis..HA HA HA*