another up-date..
081107 SBS Jeolchin House (Best Friend's House)anyoung... ahh it's been 2 days since my last update..
coz it's saturday and i have nothing to do today, i decided to update this blog.
Jahh...last nite was another episode of Jeolchin House..^^. i was going to update this blog with some reviews but my eyes cant bare it anymore and fell asleep. hahaha... mian..^///^
So for those of you who are still confused with this show, i try to explain it. So, it was about the meeting between celebrities that never been met before, and how the akwardness will be the point of the show. *i hate when ppl always emphasize "akward" when talking abt this, and found it as a joke. -_-;. *
so last nite episode those 4 celebrities were more comfortable to each other, and there's no akward silences and laughs anymore. Thanx to the little piggy. Hahah..
I spot some favorite moments...
the first one was, when Junsu kept asking Lee Wan abt having a kissing scene in his dramas, what it feels like, did he act to a drama that has a kissing scene in it, hahaha..what's with you Junsuya? Mr. T never give you? you seems so addicted abt it.. hahaha..*runs*.
kkk... Then when they're preparing the grill, suddenly Junsu asked Lee Wan abt Mirotic, and Lee Wan started to sing.. BUT GAH! he sang OJBH instead... ROFL... XD. Junsu was like " eh? ^^;; it's our
2nd album". And I was like, 2nd??? IT'S 3RD!!! huakhakhkahka.. OMG, Junsu.. XD He forgot his own album..XDD

Another funny part was when the ajjuhma asked Junsu to take a panful of crab soup..*T_T it seems so delicious*, so here he was, went to the kitchen and when he tasted the soup that ajjuhma cooked for them, his expressions was so hillarious, i think the soup was too plain.. hahaha so this babo namja put some chili powder, and it's still not rite for him, and yeah he put the whole bottle into the soup, i was laughing so hard looking this scene! HAHAHA... and the funny thing was, when everyone tried the soup, esp the ajjuhma, she said it's TASTY! and start complementing herself. HAHAHA... you must look at Junsu's expressions...

i didnt get the whole convos..
but that ajjuhma tried to harm Junsu..hahahah...

Ahh I Love this pic...

081107 Got #1 on K-Chart - KBS MUSIC BANKI didnt compress this pict. ^^. It's for youuuu....

at the reherseal... he looks so tired and sleepy..XD

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH............... hahaahah

It's time for BONUSES..thehehe....actually i never missed any single things on tvxq updates..
but it's hard for me to upload pictures nowadays...
so im so sorry i have to compressed the picture...>.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">


One of my fave from Lotte Adv.

My fave part of his body.. HIS JAWLINE! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

The HOSU-ness...kyaa..

His smile is so contagious and warm...i love it!

so where this pic come from?
is it for the introducing star friend's show??
*i know it's too tiny, when i tried to compress, it turned out lke this..-_-*

save the best for last?!
credit : as tagged + DNBN + BAIDU + +