My Reviews....
[081120] Jeolchin's Note Eps. 3

The last made me sad coz I think i started to love this show..
it's like watching a situation comedy...there's a fussy umma, a babo appa, a cool hyung, and such a cute aegi(baby)..hahaha....
The last episode was actually quite short, it's only 17 mins long. Well on this episode everyone have to call they so-called- BFF. And it's not a surprise that he called Hyukjae from SUJU.
I like the way the convo flows, it shows how close these boys are. But Hyukjae jokingly teased him before he admitted that Junsu was his best buddy...hahah such a dork..
I like it when in the end of the show, there're some caps where finally all of them became close off camera too. When the old guy there(forgot the name) came to the premier show of Lee Wan's latest movie, and as you guys remember, when at the MKMF Award, Lee Wan called Junsu, "uri Jeolchin".. ^_^.
So the show was actually worked out!
[081122] SBS Starking Showim downloading this show rite now..geez..ive been downloading this show from last nite at 10, and when im writing this entry, it's already 4 PM the next day..hahahah.. 3 hours to goooo...(2,6 GB?? WTH!!)
But well, thanx to DNBN i can watch it before my CB done(altough it's just some scenes, not the whole show)..huhuhu...
Dang Junsu sang Goose's Dream with the girl...ahhhh *jelousjelous*
hahah... how many girls want to have a duet with him (raise your hand!!) , she's so lucky!
i love the duet..altough Junsu was over did his part a bit with his adlib..(it got cut btw, you can hear it from the fancam)..

But Changmin really stole the show with his kissing scene..
hahahaha....GOSH! it turned me on..
this is crazy, i got jelous becoz of android!!
fyi, that android can express her feeling, so when Changmin kiss her cheek, she blushed..hahaha..

[081123] MBC Fantasy CoupleJUNSU KISSED A GRANNY!!
hahahaha.... another fun show from TVXQ, it aired this morning, and already upped on CB, another 2,3GB...hahaha..*diesss* *MY HD!!!*
once again thanx to DNBN for providing the clips..
hehehe... i was shocked and entertained by junsu on this show.
hahaha... there's a scene when he got to tease this actress(i think she's already 60) XD, and HE KISSED HER...i know it's only on her forehead, but wth Junsu..hahahaha..XDD. ROFL. what's with him lately, it's all abt K.I.S.S.I.N.G. hahaha....

some YOOSU-ness at the MKMF Award..kkkk

piccies...isnt he gorgeous...?

GAH Junho..
he's starting his carreer as a model??

credit : as tagged + DNBN + Junsubaidubar +