090110 Spotted at His Dad's Pizzeria

credit : KJJ17 + junsoobaidubar + http://mywickedplace.blogspot.com/
I found this on LJ, and if youre a fan of RnB, you shud listen their songs..
4MEN wowwww....
so how's your day for the past 2 weeks been away from TVXQ fandom? kkkk..
feel glad that they got a 14 days off... but i missed this fandom with its hecticness..hahaha...
if last year i always searching for their stalker pics, but iono this year i felt too lazy enough to search trough naver or any fansites...hahaha...gomenne... i just found 2 pics of Junsu at Jamshill..
hahaha Junsuya, youve got so many times to spent with her.. so lucky... but well, got to admit, listening to Gee is actually a guilty pleasure for me.. LOLZ.. but i must tell you, their comeback special on Inkigayo was great... XDD

speaking of fandom, but please dont get me wrong, im fallin in love with BOF(boys ove flower) since last week.. hahaha.. i guess, this version was the best outta 3.. or i was too biased for being a K- Ent fans?