Boys in SaipanPart 2
(another update)
whoa another update from her blog..^^
hahaha..i dunno why, but i pitty those girls who were talk bad abt her at some boards... some said she was a liar. kkkk....
Okay, at first when Russian models popped out of my head, those international models and actresses from Russia were coming to my head, but after seeing this, ehm..okay...hahaha.. i guess i was too excited?! No, im not saying that those girls arent good looking, but it's beyond my expectation.. ^^;;;;
ahh Yunho and Micky;s outfits were *drooolllsss*, but what's with JAESU's outfits...T_T
but yeah, i spot his bubbly butt...kyahahaha....

oh yeah baby..POOL! XDD *tooexcited*
ah i wish they're topless...*ahh it's not a propper worddddd!!*

credit : +