Tuesday, January 27, 2009 / 4:43 PM
[SCANS] Cant Get Enough with PINKY
found these beautiful scans on Posaruxya. Better share it with you..^_^

Dammit, i cant find it elsewhere, just from IMAX..T_T

credit : POSARUXYA + IMAX + http://mywickedplace.blogspot.com/
btw, when i lurked on Naver today, looked what i found, Taeyeon was at #1 search engine, "Taeyeon Bikini", mwahahaha.... filling my curiousity, i clicked the link, and tadaa.... it was TY when she was 4 or 5 wearing bikini..XDD. and yeah, got a lot of attention both from fans and antis.. really wanna share the pic with you, but yeah, Junsu will mad at me..kkkk
i searched on Soompi and Stand, but didnt find it, YET...lol