in this post..i will reveal some random infos...
The Numbers at The Secret Code Live Tour
Revealed!Jaejoong :1986.1.26
Yunho :1986.2.6
Yoochun :1986.6.4
Junsu :1987.1.1
Changmin :1988.2.18
Write down those numbers like this :19861261986261986641987111988218
and now, let's see these...
Day 1 : 87
Day 2 : 1
Day 3 : 6
Day 4 : 19
Day 5 : 86
Day 6 : 12
Day 7 : 1
Day 8 : 9
Day 9 : 82
Day 10 : 18
Day 11 : 119
Day 12 : 8
Day 13 : 98
Day 14 : 66
Day 15 : 41
Day 16 : 9
and look at these!!
These are the numbers that've been found on venues... ^_^
so we'll just have to wait until 86261 come out for the next concerts... ^^
Credit : Junsoobaidubar
Founder : *JunsuIsMine* @
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credit properly if taking out
and next up...
i received this from a friend of mine yesterday...
sorry that i surely didnt know where this thing came from, so, IF you guys know who actually made it, tell me, so i can credit properly... done
They're Destined Together!

WHOA! They're destined together....dont you agree?!!!
this email is actually based on this entry by
sugimotosource : sugimoto's blog + sharingyoochun
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