I Love You, Mike...^^credit: google
Ahh reading this just totally made my day..i didnt take this in a wrong way, btw..coz i love LP..so peeps... in November 11th,2007, when our lovely boys, TVXQ ,were in Thailand for Yamaha CF shoots, it was the day for Lp's Concert too..so here's the story...this is a quote from Mike Shinoda's My Space...OMG, i think i peed my pants..xDD"We went out to eat last night. The restaurant was at another hotel. We pulled up, and there were over a hundred girls waiting around the hotel with autograph books and photos and what not. Our first reaction was, "Crap. This is going to be a nightmare getting in here." Then we found out the girls were all waiting at the hotel for some Korean boy band."Credits: Mike Shinoda's MySpace &
~!*Qawaii_zA*!~@TTF + LJ