Something That is More Important,Than a Bonjour Paris...
MOOD : surreal
BGM : Limp Bizkit – Break Stuff
My mom came 2 days ago! YAY! It means…new things for my closet!! xDDD.
Im such a lecher for my parent, aint I?
Come oooonn, you also will do the same….dont be such a hypocrite!
While everyone was talking about their new Bonjour Paris, that I cant afford *LMAO*, I found something that was more important yesterday.*evilsmirk*
I was with my mom that afternoon, went to MTA, going to buy SOME thing. Oops, I mean, A LOT OF THINGS. My mom went to Jakarta for her office sake, and have a day off today , so we decided to meet at MTA. I was gonna buy an Emilly’s shirt, yay, finally there’s an Emilly’s corner at Planet Surf. xD. But sadly, those shirts were fit me well, but I found something that’s missing, iono, so I didn’t buy that in the end. T_T. so I bought something else, a cute dress, and it sizes 8! YAY!! I can wear an 8 sized-clothes!!! But I heard that 8 was a new 14.. xD (ooh it’s ooh so Devil Wears PRADA).
So what was I trying to say? Aaahh..the thing that is more important than a Bonjour Paris.
Yeahh…that one. After buying those things to fill up my closet, we’re passing by the sport station, when my eyes catched something familiar. JUNSU’S PUMA SHOES!!! xD
I saw he’s wearing that shoes at the 1st episode of Crossing the river, Over the Mountain’s show. xD. And I saw that again at Premium Live Reherseal’s clip. xDDDD. I was so excited when seeing that shoes, that I told my mom, “mom, please may I have this shoes? Please….”, my mom’s answer was, “ isn’t that too boyish? Look for another shoes.”. “Mom, please..i want this shoes soo bad, it looks like someone’s, thehehehe….*puppyeyes*”, and tadaaaa….I GOT IT!!! *look at that girl’s smile, she’s just so happy!* I will wear this at Thai concert!! XD
Tahhahahaha aint I that pathetic for overreacting this shoe thingy? Yeah, coz I only share the same star sign with junsu,nothing else. xD. I didn’t buy the same earrings or necklaces, coz I kinda allergic with those things, I didnt buy those cute items from their Iple’s coz I was just too poor to afford those kind of things, so it’s such a honour to have the same shoes with Junsu… xDDDD
Kyahahaha…enough said..LMAO.
MOOD : its not getting better
BGM : Silverchair – Miss you loveAstie sent me a text yesterday…
These are the whole messages
Text 1“who wanna have a whole MKMF show?”
Text 2“ Thanx, As. But I guess it wasn’t a great show as last’s year’s .”
Text 3“LOL. yeah, it’s free btw, I was downloading that from my friend’s comp.”
Text 4“Thehehe..besides, TVXQ wasn’t there..xD. but I do want a cut clip from SNSD and CSJH’s performances.^^”
Text 5“xD. Yeah, and *peeppeep* was there too…and they suck!”
Text 6“lalala I wasn’t the one who’s saying that…xDD. They such a loser. And now trying to beat Japan’s Music industry. Screw them!”
Text 7“Huahuahua..enough said. Japan’s Music industry isn’t the easy place to conquer tho’. Just wait and see. Btw, your daughter got sprained wrist, poor susu”
Text 8“I already sent her a text.. poor susu…ahh they ARE such a loser!******* “(
some text’s missing,due to wicked’s poor memory, her cellphone didn’t have a sent items choice, *Samsung is da best! XD*)
Text 9“Hihihihi…such a surprise they got an award. If TVXQ was there, you knew what would happened.. Wkkk”
Text 10“you know what, they’re just a bunch of clowns who wear a hip hop style’s clothes, that’s ******“(
some text’s missing,due to wicked’s harsh words)”
Text 11“Puahahahaha….agreeee!!!”
Another sarcastic’s entry from wicked…did you guys enjoy it? Coz I did….xDD
MOOD : ung…?
BGM : Every Little Thing – Koi Wo ShitteiruWhat about if I give you the latest pics of mine?