Ahh it’s been a while since my last entry. *sigh*. Actually I don’t wanna tell you about this. But,yeah…So this the story. Right now, im sitting on my chair in front of my laptop, and while typing down this entry, Im actually watching The Oprah Show. And they’re talking about The Depression. *sigh*. It’s just bringing out the pain inside of me. Honestly, a couple of months ago, I was seeing a psychiatrist. And I was diagnosed a minor depression by him. Yeah ive been holding my pain inside for about 3 years, or since I was got in to university. The problem was I believed that this major that I took wasn’t the right one for me. I don’t belong here. I couldn’t be a good student in this university. I didn’t got a good mark. I just dying inside. My father actually the first person that realized that I had a problem. And when I was turned back to my home town for holiday, that was for the first time, and I hope that was for the last time that I cried in front of my parent.
They were asking me, what’s the problem, did I have a problem, and I was like, nothing, im fine…I said. But yeah they’re kept insisting me to tell them the truth. And that’s the time, that I was soo sad, mad, yelling out my pain infront of my parent. I said that could I resign from my college? Yeah the 1st major that I choosed at SPMB was architecture. And I failed. I was so fuckin sad that time. And I wish I’ve known the DCV in the first place, I believed that I would been succeeded.
But that’s an old story that ive buried inside and will never try to remember that. But today, the Oprah Show just openned that pain again. Ah I feel humiliating rite now. Talking bout this depression. But yeah this blog was made for crying out what’s on my mind, rite. But relax people. The doctor said that Im okay now, and not in a depression’s state anymore. About my life…My grade’s back to normal again . Hahaha…that my friends were made fun of me said that I finally woke up from my long sleep. Daymn it! Im working on my thesis rite now. And after that I’d be a fresh graduate and work in a clinic at my college. Ahh could I be a good dentist in the future?
Jaa..let’s talk about something else, shall we…
We have a problem in my forum that I should settle that down.*sigh*. I hope it would be fine. And everything just back to normal again.
Okay, today susu told me that soompier were crazily babbling out ‘bout a show that talking about TVXQ! that aired last night in Peru, France, Canada, Last Vegas, and in Indonesia!! WTH???
whoa… what happened Lee Soo Man-ssi? Are you gonna expanding the territory? XDDDD
Ahhh it’s getting closer….our 2nd gathering! And it drives me crazy. I have to make a clip for that gathering. Ahh but I also excited!!! ^_______^. But im afraid that I couldn’t attend that party. Coz im afraid that the next day will be the day of a very crucial test for my graduation.T_T. got to ask mba Sani tomorrow.
Okay..im showing you some pics....
thehehe….and this is me, you can make this to expel a demon! xDDDD.

Me and Imel with uncle Ronald. xD. Me with my new size! LMAO…xDD

A glimpse of my room..or my working corner. xDD
Hahah…it’s totally a mess rite. Just like the owner. *cough*
I watched Last Angel’s PV, and took this picture, and I think I got that in a rite moment. Hohohoho…. You also can see my AAD 2*cough* *showoffmodeon*, ah there’re also a hangers, xDD. *nasibanakkost*. My Puma shoes..*coughagain*. 2nd gathering pamphlet. You see that twister can? Ahh don’t get me wrong, that’s my PIGGY BANK!! *proudlypresent*. LMAO. OMG my room is totally a mess…shame on me. LOL

This pic’s actually inspired by InsanE, one of Junsu’s stalker in Korea. I took this alone coz my cellphone have a timer. xD. So I made a love sign with my fingers infront of my Vacation’s poster. The only TVXQ! ‘s poster that I attached in my room.

My 2nd gathering pamphlet. Khansa made this beautiful pamphlet. Ah I wanna share you a story about this gathering. Some stupid ass so called TVXQ! Fans in our beautiful CITY called Indonesia (LMAO), ah stupid ass it’s not a proper word, I think it would be a FUCKING MORON FANS asked us over and over again, would TVXQ! Come to this event? Like WHAT THE FUCK? You just pay for like hundred thousand rupiahs to see TVXQ? Even in their early days the ticket to TVXQ! Concert it’s not that CHEAP. SUPA BAKA!!!!
And the weird thing is…. They just mad on us, and said we’re a fraud. So what the hell? Hey moron, don’t you know the meaning of gathering??
But anywayyy…..i hope the party will be great..coz the prices just sooo cool!!

Ahahahaha this one. Do you guys believe those are actually the tickets for Indonesian fans?? xD included me of course. TVXQ! Concert in Thailand on December 15th, 2007. Yeah we provide the ticket for Thailand Concert for our members. ^^. I will not see the day 2 concert coz my mom wasn’t allowing me…>.>;;;. She said, “do you really need to see them twice?”.. I was like..hell yeah…TT_TT.
Ah still looking for a digicam with good quality. I wanna take gorgeous pics of Junsu …
Question of the day….
Why do girls make a suck accapela group?!