Look at Junsu's sexy shoulder..*droolsss*
Just like I promised ya..
I have a mixed up feelin’ after watching this PV.
Thank you for the director of this PV that my Junsu is still there…*so fuckin sarcastic!*
Although he’s only mouthing the lyrics that WASN’T HIS FUCKIN PART.
But you can see that sexy outfit he wore…I mean.. WOW..
Why didnt he take off that jacket instead, so he’ll be more HOTTER.
Okay, the PV was opened by a scene where Kuu, with a very long hair walking to the window. And then the song began. And mostly it’s about the collaboration in choreography between Kuu and THSK.. and a solo scenes for THSK, yeah a BIT of Junsu…just a BIT…*mebeingsarcasticagain*
OH MY GOD.. it’s hardly to admit that this pv was so effin kewl…
Yeah, ive seen Kuu’s PVs before, but I think this is her best PV so far
See that choreography? Isn’t that AWESOME?
I love that..
I mean, you can see a how Kuu could blend well with THSK.
Because you can tell the different between these two, aite?
I love the choreography….
JaejoongOkay, the center of attention.
His clothes, he has his own different color from others.
Totally a center of attention in this PV.
Listen to the song and you will agree that he has a lot of parts in this song, and ofcourse in this PV too, like duh?!. Even my friend, a fans of JJ told this, “ Whoa I think this is a collaboration between Koda Kumi and jaejoong from THSK.”. *diedinthecornercrying*
*I know Junsu only has only like 2 secs part… *
*Me being random again*
Overall he’s fine, but sad that he didn’t wear boots.
ChangminYeah you know that in Japan the top 3 ARE YooChun, Jaejoong, and Changmin,rite? So where’s others…?
Junsu is here with me crying… there he is, wearing an Oh-My-GOD-I-Love-That-Capuchone’s Jacket. Looking sexy, with capuchone’s on… wow..this boy, he’s already a grown up young
He already has a brand new haircut that makes him looks like a young man again, unlike that *ehem* long-hair. Kkkkk..
I heard that Changmin is Kuu’s favourite..
Whoa….a happy Kuu…
Overall..he’s also fine…looks gorgeous..
I like his outfit.. theme : rapper.
A good choice coz he’s rapping in this PV with YooCheon.
I love his lower voice in this song..daymn HOT.
Yoo…see the part where he sings..”
say good bye!”
Overall…kewl YunHo…
YooCheonI don’t know but I couldn’t give a comment on YooCheon..
Okay let me see the PV once again.
His low voice in the beginning, SEXY
No offense, but his outfit was kinda disturbing.O_O
See that furry thingy around his neck?
And why oh why his hair is always like a rooster in japan?Thank GOD, that he’s in a TOP 3 in Japan…*me being sarcastic again*
Overall, yeah still looks fine to me, coz, I love YooCheon. Man, a gorgeous man is still lookin good even when he’s just woke up from bed..XD
JunsuSo, Let me introduce the least favourite in Japan…JUNSU!!!! *sarcasticmodeon*
So fuckin DAMMIT..
Those bitches just couldn’t accept him there in Japan, for uknown fuckin reasons.
Yeah.. if you downloaded one of the Mp3 version of Rainy Nights Perfm, you can hear that there’s a stupid fans, calling out jaejoong’s name when Junsu’s STILL FUCKING PERFORMING ON STAGE!!!! BITCH!!!!
And me a sceptical and sarcastic GIRL, thought that, this was his karma for being a solo artist last year. You know that he was a featuring artist in Jang Riin’s debut single, Timeless..and that single was blew us away…and hit the chart?! Yeah.. so I guess, that this year, ppl think that they should shut down his carreer…LMAO
Didn’t you realize that in EVERY SINGLE JAPANESSE MAGAZINES that they’re in it, Junsu WAS ALWAYS looks weird?!
Yeah…that fuckin stylist just wanted him to be ugly.
Like half year I tried to be patient,and patient everytime there’s a scans from a magz.
Just sighing, and sighing….
Okay back to topic, whoa this sceptical and sarcastic GIRL just realized that actually there was another part where Junsu’s voice heard…I thought it was JJ’s
Look at the part when he sings “
Come On Tonight!”. Yeahh I thought it was JJ at first.
Hear that voice, isn’t that SEXY…. Lol
So it means that Junsu has another part, which also means that
2 secs + 2 secs = 4 secs…yay..^^ *pugh*
and the scene on his only 2 secs part, he wasn’t even there!!!! The director didn’t shoot his part…*cryinginthecornerwithjunsu*
But well, i guess i shud blame the editing team instead..XD
Isn’t that I sounded like a truly fuckin fangirl? Just like SOME fans out there..*cough*
Okay, back to topic for the 2nd time…
Yeah look at my Sha when he dances…isn’t that he always looks HOT?
Dammit! Why is he sooooo fuckin seducing?
The outfit…WOWW!!
Love that…look, his finger nails, it polished with white. That looks fine on him.
Ahhh this cute lil baby, always looks kawaii even when he’s trying to looks cool. XD
I love the hair. Mohwak, and got a white hi-lite…cute..<3><>< *adyinwifey* Overall: PERFECT.. Hahaha im biased? YESSS, MAM… Ah I shud commenting on Kuu too…
Koda KumiThis cute ero queen… never fails to amazed me.
I want that body, Kuu…XDDD
You looks GREAT!
The long hair…it’s pretty and elegant
The short hair..DAYMN EVEN PWEETY!!
Your body language, even more hotter….XDD
I love you Kuu!!!!!!
Okay, I hardly admit that this PV was great…
3 and half stars…
Oh, sorry for others who love other members besides Junsu…
Sorry if my review made you guys angry..
It’s me a sceptical and sarcastic GIRL..
I love ‘em all.. don’t worry….*peaceyo!*
HA… I felt like Borat for using so many harsh words..XD
*im a Borat*