Watching The Oprah Show is one of my favourite hobby. It’s good for your heart, you know. XD. So, yesterday, it’s all about being well organized. Me, as a un-organized person, this episode was the right show to watch, right…
They showed us one family in state that has 4 children, their 2nd children were twins., the younger one was still a baby.
The husband was a teacher, and said that actually as a teacher his salary was too small for his big family. But the problem was, they kept buying their children clothes, like every week! FOR WHAT?
Okay, back to the problem, if you watched that show yesterday, you will agree to me that they sux as a parent! have to see their’s A BIG MESS!! Like a hell big trash bin. Clothes, toys, even dishes were everywhere!!!! WTF??! You cant see their dining room, you cant walk freely at the corridor, you even cant see their master bed…xDD. His wife just put the un-ironed clothes straight to the drawers. Like hell!!!
One thing that really bothers me was, the reason of this very big mess. They said everything happened since their twins, born. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING, MISTER? So you’re blaming those mess to your children? What kind of parent are you? This is just don’t make any sense at all. So, parents, if your house turned into a big trash bin, just blame your children for that!!!! I really didn’t get that one…=_=;;;. . hountoni… for some time, I thought about this, and still very mad. How could a parent blame some troubles that happened at their house to their children. It’s just a mess, MAM, you could clean that up with your fuckin bare hand!!!
Those TRASHES were there because of your laziness, your’re just too lazy to pick up one, and your children made another mess, and you didn’t clean that, and that happened all over again until your house was covered with trashes like that. SO THAT’S YOUR FUCKIN FAULT!!! Not them..!!!
GAWSH….this is just not right.!! Not fuckin right..!!!
Yeah, so finally there’s an expert that helped them to clean up those trashes out of the house. And you’d see, it’s was just too many unimportant things that kept peacefully in that house. The ironic thing was even worst, the wife, was a consultant in a company that sells containers!!! WTH!
Hell yeahhh….
Hahaha…. Sorry for that entry.
Now I’ll tell you a very stupid thing that happened to me just now. Thehehhe…
So…im on a very tiring diet now…TT_TT. and have to control every single food that come into my mouth…
Yesterday after kept typing on my thesis, my stomach was craving for some food. And my tongue was felt tasteless. I really need to chew something. And decided to got my ass off the chair, and went to the shop to buy a toasted bread, and a hot chocolate in the very cold weather like this. (don’t you think I have a cool boarding house, aite? LOL).
When I got there, the toasted bread already sold out..shit! so I bought hot chocolate, a poccari sweat, and finaly, kit kat!.*still on a diet…xD *evilsmirk!**
Went back home, and drank that hot chocolate with all of my heart. But my tounge still felt tasteless.i really need to chew something. But I found nothing. *sigh*. Like a half an hour later, I found out, so silly, that my kit kat was in my pocket!!!! I took it, and felt it was laughing so hard at me…. *sigh*.
Later on, I finished that stupid kit kat in a blink of an eye! xD. Im so fuckin mad at my self.

Kyahahhaha…. Let’s start gossiping..
I guess my blog just to hollow without a gossip entry. XD
Isn’t that a coincidence? Or Yuri just want him back?LOL
i wonder why were they breaking up?
coz Junsu was debuted? molla...
they make a cute couple tho'..

or this one?
kyahahaha... an old rumor that you can see it clearly...
Junsu Loves SongMi (Dana's real name) that another Junsu...or THIS Junsu?

This is the same cellphone with Junsu's ANYBAND phone. SAMSUNG U 700. GAWSHH!!! *daddy..could I have this one?*puppyeyes**