What a great news yesterday, the sellings opened at 16,000 copies! Whoa! I knew it since the first time I heard the song, it’s gonna be BIG! And it’s true!
But kinda scared too, coz I never heard this kind of song in J-Pop industry before, or maybe I never pay attention to this genre before? This song’s truly SOMETHING! You could see that TVXQ is already noticed by Avex. The way Avex made the promotion for this single was great, you see that the PV was just a preview? That could mean something… hehehehe…. And the PV was shoot in Korea, not in studio, you know, in studio means, less in spending money, cheap PV. LOL. but they shoot the PV in Korea. This song was a BGM for Suzuki Chevrolet MW Cf too.. and look at the packaging. The DVD bonus was Junsu’s birthday party in Thailand! And also this song is gonna sell in Korea with ofcourse the Korean version! Whew!!! I love you Avex! I love you more TVXQ!
Once again congrats boys!!!*Finally, MUSIC STATION FOR THSK!
HAH!!! i really love seeing their picture there...
finally!! finally they're invited to Music Station...!