080815 SM TOWN 2008
finally the pictures leaked..
so, tomorrow will be filled with fancams and pictures..
ahh uri Junsu's having the same stage again with ty..
no more scandal to see??
OH MY GODDDD....THEY SANG LOVE IN THE ICE KOREAN VERSION!!!!That's my fave song everrrrrrr....hopefully it will be added in their upcoming album...><.still a fancam that i found at DNBN, but that's okay...hehehe...and they also sang HUG perfm, with their debut concept!!, sit on the chair, the same outfit, not to mention, their newest concept..hahaha...
SM TOWN 2008
See.... look who's talking shit on CM's newest haircolor a cpl of days ago..ive told you, it fits him well!!! >.>
kkkkhkhkhkh.....iteuk? xP
my baby;s S-Line PAWNS!
kyaaaaaaaaaaaa..................you look so HOT, appa...!!!
umma...nomu kyoupta!!!

shinee?oops...i mean...SHinee's sonbaenim...kyahahaha,,,OMG JUNSUU..IM SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR HAIRCUT!!!AND GOSH THOSE ARMS...O_oKYAHAHAH....kerokero ...XDDD