I Beg Your Willingness to forgive me, for my mistakes, shortcomings
as we welcome Holly Ramadhan. May Allah SWT give us strength in our iman and health...
Okaeri, Sweetheart...
Welcome home....<333
Finally our boys back to Korea..
Yay..goodbye japan for now..
he wore that shirt again, it looks good on him...he totally a titanic's fan..LOL...sorry Junsu, but i kinda hate that movie for some reasons.huahauhau
wa.....kawaiiiii.......i like his newest hair color..<3333
* btw, havent you seen GD's newest glasses?
it looks like a flies...HUAHUAHAUHUAHUAno offence VIP, but it's totally a killer for his fashion...what a fashionista...just like Yoochun..*keep the faith..keep the faith*HAHAHA