Special Report from 080913 SM Town Concert Live in Shanghai
BGM : KARA – Uri-Deuri
MOOD : DAYMN HAPPY!Huakakakaka...... Susu sent me text last night. “Blek sea kejadian! Lbh parah! Pada bikin tanda X”
Simple but straight forward. Mwahahahaha..Okay so what’s this all about?
Ofcourse the SM Town 08 Concert in Shanghai last night. As our expectation, there’d been another black sea for SNSD, but it’s even worse, not only the black sea, but there’s also a Cross’ Sea. Hahha….. everyone was making a Cross sign with their light stick when our queens performed on stage. Ahhhh…im so sorry to hear that.. (*hmmpppphhhh*). Let me write down some facts that happened last night.1. The X-incident

2. Taeyeon was crying on stage (I wonder that it’ll be
another drama at the backstage…lalalala…..our prince will try to calm his
princess down..*uljima uljima* *okay..too much informations..hahaha)
3. Those stupid fans a.k.a Soshified, tried
to make another catasthrope by telling false story about JJ caught smoking at
the backstage. OH MY GOAT, can you find another OR better idea to make a chaos?
That will never make Cassie and elf mad. I think they’ll be died laughing.
4. SNSD was yelling some ‘fans’ infront of their hotel, and
because of that, they were threw by water as a response. ( I wish it was a yolk
5. There’re only 50 Soshified that appeared in the
6. SNSD Goodies were left untouched, meaning, no one bought them.
Whoa..such a kewl thing happened last nite. Actually I was afraid that the black sea incidence would happened once again, but dunno, I think,now, im amused by it, hahaha.. the reason why I hate the black sea it was because not only those bitches who suffered, but they made the whole sm town hurt! And those retard a.k.a soshified had never learnt. I dunno in which language they speak, but don’t they see, all of their crazyness will just make their artists sad and got a bad reputation? I think they never knew about that. started with Dream Concert, SM Town in Seoul, and yesterday in Shanghai, don’t they wasnna have a great concert in Thailand instead? But doubt it will happen, coz they have no brain at all!!! T_T.