Thursday, April 9, 2009 / 8:31 PM
it's already 1 Am, and here i am, still awake....
hi all...
ahh i guess it was a mistake when i said it was the end of Nanjing pics' parade..
hahha... the pictures kept on uploaded in every sites that i usually went...
I esp. loved the Topxiah's ones... at first when i wasnt paying attention to the pics, i thot it was InsanE's pics...XDDD. So well-captured!
Just wanna inform you that today arround 1 PM, i will go to west Java, to a place called Green Canyon, it's a beach btw.. Tomorrow we're going to do some water sport arround that area... and yess, im going to do raft tomorrow!!! AHHHHHH...FINALEEE!! hahahaha.. Will going back to Jakarta on Sunday, from Bandung.. yippee.... It's an effin long weekend here in Indonesia, coz today is an election day, and tomorrow will be an easter day... so deffo, it's gonna be an effin long weekend..
And on April 16, im going to my hometown, Pekanbaru coz my cousin will get married on April 20.. so i'll once again be away from internet for a week?!
Talking about pictures... Nanjing's fans were a perverts fans.. hahha.. i saw a lot of Junsu's butt' pictures!! but well, his butt was totally eye-catchy.. pwahahaha.. you guys have to watch the latest BARKS show... Oh noooo, Junsuuuu..your butt is soo big!
Dont forget April 12 is a Sparkling Concert!!!
btw, Mirotic concert in Bangkok's having a serious problem after ADAMAS has no longer been their EO.. XDD. the lack of sponsorship and perhaps experiences make the concert dates are keep on changing in every week.. LOL.
So, these are the bribes for my last entry before my hiatus...
LOVE YA.... (pay attention to his ARMS...!!! GAAAHHHHH)
Introducing the shareholders of CreaBeau!
credit : as watermarked + Junsoobaidubar
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