MOOD : so so
BGM : Lala - What about you
hi guys....
been away from this blog for more than a week...
a hectic weeks with a lot of assignments and requirements to be done and ofcourse with a tiring sessions with professors at my clinic seems taken all my so-called fangirling time...
and ofcourse...
my laptop is really such a pain in my a**. Kept asking to be formated everytime i tried to turn it on... it's already been with me since early 2006, okay dont blame me as if i was using it carelessly, it's not that i was careless, it's more like, the spec wasnt the best choice for me, nevertheless, i shouldve thanked my father for buying it for me, so NO need to complain... And, now after receiving such an overwork tasks for the past 3 years, i decided to buy a new one. altough right now, i still using it until saturday... XD. And because of that, GOODBYE THAI CONCERT... XDDDD.
my life, just like an ordinary life, hang out with friends... last week i went to Bundaran HI by bike! it took like 1,5 hours by bike from my friend's house.. and yeah, my ass hurts.. lol. and today i went to Gelora Bung karno, jogging... and met Rasko, a brown Siberian Husky.. So cuteeee.....>.<;. And i guess what a coincidence that i found a lot of TVXQ stalker pics with dogs today! hahaha... taepung is getting HUGE.. And Bikeu turned out SO DAYMN BIGGGGGG! hahaha... so it's right that a Great Pyrenees will turn out so big... Poor Shaki, she cant joking arround with Bikeu ever again..XDD.

Yunho with Bikeu.... but where's Shaki??!
I heard that they were filming AAD 3.. so they will introduce their dogs to us?
ahh so cuteee....
i also heard that BKK concert might be cancelled because of a swine flu..but still a rumour tho,..