AHH this is an entry for November 18th...xD. not 16th!! xDDDSo today,
I mean yesterday ,coz I made this entry at 1.30 am on the next morning, I met Susu, Erin, Imel, Astie , and Astie’s sister at MTA. Yeah, susu’s gonna move to Singapore in couple of days, so yeah, have to make some unforgettable moment with her before she leaves. *so swweeeeetttt**slapsbysusu*
yeah kinda sad actually.. that *it'shardtosaythis8 but im gonna miss her
files ,no I mean, im sad that one of my daughter will leave her mommy soon...TT_TT. cant send a free text anymore..ughh.. xDDD. be a gud kid okies....mom loves you...

We were at the Starbucks when Yaya sending me a text, and told me that she cant find Junsu’s perfume else where. I was like,
‘OMG Yaya, are you so gonna buy that perfume? Thehhehe… ‘I told her that I’d ask at the fragrance shops around MTA, so don’t be worry.
Jaa, we arrived at one of the fragrance shop, I asked the sales clerk where the Bvulgari’s was, and she showed the rack,
‘ahh I couldn’t find that perfume”, so I asked her back ,did that shop has
Bvulgari Petit en Mamans or not, and she said they didn’t have that, she was guessing it wasn’t available in Indonesia or, it’s an old perfume that didn’t sell in any retails. I was like..daymn…
While I asked the clerk, Astie who likes JJ ,was really curious with JJ’s CK Be, yeah it’s a famous perfume rite, so she didn’t have any difficulties to smell what did JJ’s smell’s like. LOL.
‘Maybe we can find that in The Bvlagri Kids’, suddenly Susu’s cracking up, and I was like,
So there’s another shop to go, I asked the same question, and the answers were just the same. It’s not available there, they even never sell that before. Oh no, now Susu and Erin who were excited when finding YunHo’s Mark Jaccobs. xD. Me still wandering and wondering around. Ah daymn you Junsu, what kind of perfume did you use that I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Okay, next destination was Metro, the place that we should looked after it at first actually. XD. I went to the perfume’s corner, it was quite big, and I guessed it was a complete fragrance shop. Ah, I found the Bvlgari section, there’s a clerk, and asking me, was there anything he can help, and I said yess, I was about to buy my friend’s order, did he has
Bvlgari Petit en Mamans? And his answer was shocking me that I was bursting out in a horrible laughter, it’s sooo hilarious. He said,
“ah that perfume, it’s a baby cologne, alcohol free, you can see it has a picture of duck, so cute packaging, whom you gonna buy that for? ”.
WTF, MY JUNSU IS USING A BABY COLOGNE INSTEAD A PERFUME? This is ridiculous!!! xDDD. But yet what a cute baby, kyahahaha…he does still a baby aite? With that looks and those attitudes? LMAO.
I was so cracking up, that moment was really made my day, everyone were also doing the same, they’re cracking up like hell. OMG! JUNSU!
That clark told us that Bvlgari had stopped the Petit en Maman’s selling in Asia, so if you really wanted that so bad you can order that to Italy. WHAT THE? ITALY? xDD. He even offered me a brand new Bvlgari, he said this was a unisex perfume that smells kinda similar with that cologne. It costs US$ 120..xD but it has lotions, soap, and stuffs, and today was the last day for the discount weeks at that store so you can have that with only US$ 70! xD. I was smiling at him and said my friend was only wanting that perfume, and left. Kyahahahah….
I sent yaya a text telling her to call me ASAP. When she called, I told her everything that happened in that store, and I think, she’s peeing her pants. LOL. *sorry, Ya*.
Later she sent me text told me that she finally found that in an online shop, and if we compare that with another TVXQ member’s fragrances, it’s cheaper, most of their perfumes were arraound US$ 70- 80, but you can only have this with US$ 28 only! LOL!!! whoa..but I don’t have a credit card. xD
But isn’t that cute tho, he smells like a pure baby…kyaa…..my stupid and dirty toughts. Kyahahahaha….ahh he smell like a baby…..xDD *still cracking up*
Ahh so in bed…kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa*oh shit cant take this dirty thoughts out of my mind*
Yeah that’s my story, ah I almost forgot to tell you this, I think my dad is already forgiving me for that test incident. He called me and told me not to worry, and gave me a support instead. Thanx dad, that’s relieveing. I just cant think straight after you called me 2 days ago.T_T.
just wanna share you the Shappa Squad at the Encore Concert 2007
Man, they're so fuckin' Kewl with those banners, t-shirts and shabongs!!
kyaaaa i wanna have them but i couldnt..Do'h!
Keep on rockin' guys!! And support Junsu and ofcourse TVXQ Always!

Erin gave me the YT Link of her perfm. OMG...her song was so encouraging...
YunHo also love this singer..^^
Yolanda Adams - Never Give Up Lyrics
Visions that can change the world trapped inside an ordinary girl
She looks just like me too afraid to dream out loud
And though it's simple your idea, it won't make sense to everybody
You need courage now
If you're gonna persevere
To fulfill divine purpose, you gotta answer when you're called
So don't be afraid to face the world against all odds
Keep the dream alive don't let it die If something deep inside keeps inspiring you to try, don't stop
And never give up, don't ever give up on you
Don't give up
Every victory comes in time, work today to change tomorrow
It gets easier, who's to say that you can't fly
Every step you take you get, closer to your destination
You can feel it now, don't you know you're almost there?
To fulfill divine purpose, you gotta answer when you're called
So don't be afraid to face the world against all odds
Keep the dream alive don't let it die
If something deep inside keeps inspiring you to try, don't stop
And never give up, don't ever give up on you
Sometimes life can place a stumbling block in your way
But you've gotta keep the faith,
bring what's deep inside your heart to light
And never give up don't ever give up on you, Don't give up
Who holds the pieces to complete the puzzle?
The answer that can solve a mystery
The key that can unlock your understanding
It's all inside of you, you have everything you need yeahhhh
Sooooo, keep the dream alive don't let it die
If something deep inside, keeps inspiring you to try don't stop
And never give up, don't ever give up on you
Sometimes life can place a stumbling block in your way
But you're gotta keep the faith,
bring what's deep inside your heart yeah your
Heart to the lightAnd never give up
Don't ever give up on you
Nooo don't give up,No, no, no, no don't give up Oh, no, no, no, no don't...give...up
Im sooo happy that you all love my new lay out..
isnt that soo romantic?
and Chipa,.see, it's not the same theme...Xdd