Thursday, December 6, 2007 / 8:52 AM
Mood : Quite Happy
BGM : Otsuka Ai - Pocket
it's already 11:27 PM. Feel so sleepy, but i have to make this entry before went to bed.
dunno why, but after reading *****'s 411, a lot of things came into my head, and actually kinda affecting me. as i told you before, her comments, the way she speaks out , just blew my minds away. for a girl at her age, having that kind of perspective, and knowledge were just incredible to me. And actually to be honest I got so much influenced and got affected by her toughts. Ahhh I cant tell you what, but yeah, my point of you in loving Junsu was just changed significantly after reading her comments at one of board, but don’t worry, it’s in a gud way tho’.
I love her honest words everytime she comments on something, altough people might be angry with her, but I find some honesty, makes people realize and aware about little things, but isn’t just sad, with that honesty she has an enemy? Yeah I heard that her acc once got hijackted by someone who hates her.
I remember, once, when we got a chance to chat, we’re talking about Utada and Ayumi hamasaki, yeah actually before I got into this k-pop world, I already a J-Pop’s fans…esp those two talented may I call them divas?. And she was so happy knowing me who also loves Hikki and Ayu-chan. She’s blabbering about Hikki’s newest single, and we got too excited that time. Yeah actually that was the last time I met her online. It’s around September. I never met her again because I got too busy with my thesis. I just read some comments of her at soompi. Maybe some of you may think like this, this girl just trying to tell everyone that she’s related and close with *****. Ahh you’re totally wrong. Call me her silent fans. ^^. Ah..Should I tell to everyone to whom am I speaking to or having a chat with? But yeah, it’s true that we’re having a great conversations trough shout box at Susu’s Café(Junsu’s Café) several times, not just once. I even told her that actually I was a fan of her writings. And she was just laughing at me..hahaha… yeah I just so happy that I can have a chat with her. Hahaha silly me.
Isn’t she just too young too die? But one thing that I learned from her entry today at soompi was, every single moment is priceless, so try to make your day worthed, coz you’ll never know, when it’s time for you to go….ahh I feel so ashamed. Ashamed that I became this kind of girl who cant get enough on everything, just being this greed, sometimes I feel I never felt thankful on everything that I already had. She, once again, has changed my point of view…Thanks girl. Ive learnt so many things from you…
I read her wishes, one of them was having a pink elephant’s doll just like what Junsu’s held at School Attack show. Ahh that cute doll..i want that too… and one of her wishes was actually came true, but it’s just sad that she couldn’t watch that. It’s the collaborations between Junsu and BoA. TT_TT. Whoa..just like what I told you before, I dunno why, but this kind of feeling, the feeling when I think Im gonna miss her so much because we seems have a weird connections between us, just bothering me a lot. Because im not that close with her, but why I feel this kind of feelings? My heart just hurting so much. Rest in peace dear friend. I think as time goes by, I will find the answer….

Ahhh…enough talking about sad things people..let’s get back to real life shall we!
Ahhhhh…yesterday was my birthday rite? And I received so many messages from my families and friends, and that makes me happy. So daymn happy. I don’t need a present, but well, yeah I need that too.. but it wasn’t the top priority on my birthday , but knowing that ppl arrounds you didn’t forget to send you a birthday messages, that’s more important to me..
So, today, my friends at this boarding house came, and giving me a birthday present!!! KYAAA… Iwas so happy. And wanna know what that was? It’s Gaudi’s clothes..kkkkk…it’s so pretty…and it’s M. my first M size’s clothes! Kyahahahaha… Thank you girls…I like it a lot. I promise to wear that tomorrow…hohoohoho…
Speaking about clothing. Don’t you guys agree that the way Junsu’s dressed up is getting better everyday? Just like today… I found this picture(actually I edited this pic LOL, see that blurry man? xD yeah he’s distracting! ) and my first words were, “ is that him?” sorry honey for unbelieveing you. But this is just unbelieveable.. xDD. KYAAAAAAAAAAAA that jacket, that jeans, and the most important thing was that aviator!! DANG!!! Try to wear that kind of avie more often, okkies…*kissu* you looks extremely tempting, Junsu-yah!! Hohohoho…. xD
I have a brand new love song. A love song between me and Junsu…
It’s actually an Indonesian group. Ten 2 Five – Hanya Untukmu (Just For You)
-ahh I tried to rewrite the lyrics into English and ended up laughing, it came out weird.. xDD-. Ahhh but I really wanna share that song to you…XD
Jaa.. wanna show you my desktop..
HOOSU!!!! Ive been using this picture for more than 2 weeks, that actually considered long.. kyahaha…coz I really love this picture. Junsu looks so young and cute, he does looks like Yunho’s little brother, that^^
And this one…
Whoa..speecless.. Yoosu has a baby already..!! xDD
Look that child closely, and you’ll find out that his face is a mixed between Junsu and Yoochun..xDDD. kyahahaha,….so cute, ne….