Tuesday, April 28, 2009 / 7:58 PM
4th LIVE TOUR 2009 ~ The Secret Code
1. ■ Photo Album (80 Pics in 1 Pack )
2. ■ Poster (Size : B2)
Y 500
3. ■ Lightstick
Y 1,000
4. ■ Leaflet (Size : A4, 60 Pictures)
5.■ Black T-Shirt(S・M)
■ White T-Shirt(S・M)
Y 3,000
6. ■ Gaufrettes (cookies)(Vanilla Flavour )
Y 1,000
7. ■ Phonestrap
Y 1,500
8. ■ Face Towel
Y 2,000
9. ■ Mirror
Y 2,000
10. ■ Bag
Y 1,600
11. ■Hairband (comes with a random sticker)
Y 800
12. ■ Stickers (20 sheets)
Y 600
13. ■ Make-up Case
Y 2,800
14. ■ Stole
Y 4000 ==> the most expensive one!
credit : DNBN
Trans : http://mywickedplace.blogspot.com/