yesterday was our forum’s gathering day. Im not quite sure, but I think there’re more than 30 people who came yesterday at Plaza Semanggi’s Food Court. Thank God, we didn’t make any stupid mistake just like our previous gathering, when everyone at the foodcourt were boo-ing at us coz we made such a noise that time, yeah, one of the member was screaming so fuckin loud when we watched the 2nd Live Tour DVD. It was such a humiliation for us tho. >.>;;.
So this time, we tried as much as we can, not to make such a noise. How? Don’t turn something which make others got too excited. -_-;;. But yesterday, whoa, there’re a lot of members who came. What a surprise. And the booing thingy didnt happen too… but sadly, because there’re more than a half members of the gathering were their 1st time to go to this kind of meeting, in the end some of them were gathering into a smaller group at another table that placed far from the rest. But it’s okay, the staffs went to each tables, to greet them. And as I expected, I think I do scares them off…I mean, my members. When I shook their hands, and introduced my self as Lola, some of them were smiling weirdly, and when I asked them, did they know my id at forum, some of them said No, and when I told that im *JunsuIsMine*, everyone were looking at me with a horror looks. LOL. I dunno, was that a compliment, or not, but I took it as a compliment. Hahhaha,….
Everyone were having fun, chatting, sharing things like stories or files to others, or even gossiping. This gathering must ended around 5 PM, you know what, I guess our group were well-recognized by this food court management after the booing incident, coz during the gathering that started from 12 PM, there’s a manager of that food court who was spying on us. LOL!.
After the gathering, the staffs were having another gathering. Kyahahha….. we went to a cozier place at one of the café, and having so much fun together. Hahahaha...i have to emphasize the words “having so much fun”. Hahahaha…. Okay, that’s gonna be a B-side story that I cant share that with you..
Once again, thank you so much for members who can come and we hope you’re having a great time together with us. (I sounds like Junsu at their concert speech.. XD)
those things are the must have things when you attend a gathering.
Laptop, flashdisk(more than 1 GB), External HD(the size may vary. LOL)
Must eat item.. CHEESE CAKE from Bandung.(thx CHIPAAA)

my strap!!! arigatouu ne Mba Retno and Yani Oni...^^
Kkkk...proudly present..actually Yani oni was the one that found it at the esprit shop, and we were acting crazilly after that..ahahaha...*norak euy* no one recognized this shirt at the gathering..XDDDLOL.

Did you realize that I changed my cellphone to Nokia 6210 classic. So where’s the Samsung i-450? Yeah I decided not to buy Junsu’s cellphone after talking to some of my friends, asked for their opinions,. Hahahaha….and since that cellphone was looked good because Junsu was one of the talent of the CF, I decided it’s so biased and shallow if bought that one just based on that..XD. So, I decided to buy Nokia 6210 Classic instead, speaking of which, this cellphone was a 3,5 G ready cellphone, isn’t that cool? And dunno why, recently Im in love with nokia classic, and tadaaa…… hehehehe….