Thursday, July 17, 2008 / 8:33 AM
MOOD : Feel Blessed
BGM : Alex – If it’s you

Wew…time flies quickly…
Ive been their fans since November 2005 after being a silent fans since August 2005. Thehehe…almost 3 years already! I followed their journey, their ups and downs, their happiness and sorrow, how they’d been trough so many obstacles, and whoa, I feel like a part of their history! XD.
Next month will be the releasing month of TVXQ’s 4th album!!! ^0^. *joy joy*. Cant believe they called sonbaenim by SUJU, CSJH, SNSD, and now, SHINee. I realized how OLD TVXQ was, when I watched the promoting clip of SM Town Festival 2008. PWAHAHAHAH….XD. OMG, you’re getting old…and I’ll look older than those 5 dongsaengs. *diessssss*.
I don’t know how long this fangirling will last, but for now, I just wanna say, i will support TVXQ FOREVER!
i made this when am abt to sleep last nite. coz i love seeing their appereances at the airport, so i guess making a special gpx wouldnt hurt anybody...^^OMG!! IT'S RUNWAY, NOT RUNAWAY...LOLZsorry...i was so sleepy..x.X