Anyoung yorobundeul….
I miss this blog and ofcourse, you my reader…do you miss me?
I hope you do…hohoho…there’re lots of story to tell to you…too many.. So I will tell you what had happened from December 13th until 18th,2007.
MISSION : TVXQ 2ND CONCERT LIVE IN BANGKOK, DEC 15th – 16 th, 2007.Day 1, December 13th, 2007
Woke up with ofcourse a happy feeling. I already packed, but there’re so many things to do before leaving Jakarta. After finished my to do list that day, went to the airport, met with others people. We’re leaving at 4:30 PM and arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport at 8:15 PM. Went to our hotel, and had a gud rest.
me at Suvarnabhumi Airport
Day 2, December 14th, 2007
Our schedules were went to Chao Praya River and there’s a temple at the side of the river called Wat Arun. Hahah there’s a story at that river, so our guide, ms. Apple, told us that we’re about to arrived at the place where the holy fishes lived. The funny thing about this holy fishs was, they eat bread instead other fish food. LOL. our guide told us if you met a white one please let her know. Coz it’s so rare to see. If you can see the white one, you will have a lucky day. So we waited and waited..suddenly, my friend screamed “WHITE FISH!”, all of us screamed in joy. Hahaha.. the day after we went to this river, we’d see TVXQ, rite.. so we hope that we can have an amazing surprise at the concert. Hohohoho……and yess we had…hahahaha…*evilsmirk*
After went to the Wat Arun Temple, cool place tho, we went to the a shopping mall at MBK, next to the Siam Paraghon Mall. I really wanna go to Siam Paraghon, that the place where TVXQ had their press conference around October. Besides, I wanna go to The Paul Frank Shop, I saw that place at TVXQ clip, and I really wanna buy something from that place. But my leg says no. xD. So I only went to MBK. After shopping at the MBK Mall, we went to Ariston Hotel, it’s time for “The Global Party”. I heard that there will be people from all over places that come. And yess, there’re fans from Philipinnes, Malaysia, S’pore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and even Canada. It’s like a gathering and there’s an auction too. Hahaha…seems like no one know how to make a bid. INDONESIA ROCKS!!! Coz we’re so good at this game. Hahaha.. and even make fool people..xDD *oopps*

Dusit Tani, where TVXQ stayed in Thailand

Me at Global Party

TVXQINDO and Cassiopeia Philipinnes
Day 3, December 15th, 2007
THIS IS THE DAY!! My friend who went to Dusit Tani Hotel to see TVXQ after reherseal took a very good fancam, OMFG GOD!!! JUNSU IS SO FUCKING HOT with that sleeveless shirt.*diesss*. we went at 12:00, and had a luch at one of japanesse restaurant, after that we went to Impact Arena. HOHOHOHO…
We arrived at Impact around 3:00 PM, and there’re so many fans already, and I saw Shappa too. With that shirt..*envylooks*.. and I just found out that some stalkers were there too..Kikielli, Xiahin, whoaaaa…… yeah I saw them, but seems like they’re not that friendly so…yeahh…>.>
we’re Q-ing for about 4 hours until the gate opened. And I can carry my digicam with me. Kyahaha… the Let’s the stalking Begin! I watched at the AL at the first day, because it’s Junsu’s Area. LOL. And later I really didn’t regret my choice coz Junsu always went there to share his smiles..^^v. and he knew that Shappa were also there, so he always went to the spot where a lot of Shappa were standing, and even sit and shakes his hand..huwaaaaaaaa…I want that too…. Day one, Shappa were sit separately, I saw them at sitting too with Junsu bday cute tho..i got the banner after the concert..hahaha…
the first time I saw his face I was like..STUNNED!!
he’s so white no,..i mean, his complexion was pinkish..XD, really different from others. All I can say was..OMG HE’S SO HANDSOME..HANDSOME HANDSOME!!! xDDD
and his voice was also perfect!!! I love you even more Junsuyah….from now on..let me be your truly fan…
The bday party was also fun to watch. Kkk…AJunsu fell when other members threw the birthday cake to him, I heard a big sound, I was afraid it was his head. xD. Some YooSu moment was there too..kyahaha..YooChun put the towel to clean Junsu’s hair.kyahaha…I saw so many Hoosu and YooSu moments that day…
I really love standing in that area, I saw everything that I wanted to see…the way he combing his hair with his hand, the way he’s licking his lips, and the most important thing was his S-Line and bubbly butt..i saw that clearly!! Kyahahahah
Yeah that happiness paid off with me got caught for taking the camera inside the venue, I felt like a criminal that day, and they gave me a stamp…DAYMN..>.>. and digicam has to out at the camera deposit…T_T.
Day one was AWESOME, although the sound system seems has a problem that day, Junsu and Jaejoong’s voice sound like a chipmunk. XD. Ahhh they were wearing a LONG LIVE THE KING’s bracelet. Finally I got that bracelet 2 days later..hahahaha…
Remember the white fish thingy? KAYAHAHAHA…
Finally…it’s answered… my friends GOT JUNSU CAP FROM MY PAGE PERFORMANCE!!! Kyahahahahaha…..envy envy?? Ah you shudnt have to..XDDDD. OMG..his smells so nice…although I can smell a sweats, but it smells good..i think there’s a ginseng scent too…kkk…and some baby smells..xD I think iut was from his perfume. Kyahahahahaha….i really had a sweet dream that day…



the stample...>.>

me and susu, after the concert

Day 4, December 16th, 2007I GOT THE TICKET FOR THE DAY 2!!!
Yeahhh…..Thank you for her generousity..i got the day 2 ticket. OMG..i was soo happy!!!! ^___________^
Finally I can see them again.
I got the seat ticket. And it was at N. kkkk it’s okay tho..i really didn’t regret it,,…coz I can see the whole stage clearly!! And the stage was sooo cool!! The lighting, the blasting…whoa…finally I can made a fancmas that day…a lot of fancams..hahaha.
It has a nice and clear sounds, but it’s just too far…T_T
But I was complished my mission, Junsu’s solo perfm, My page, the whole song!!!

Day 5, December 17th, 2007The last day..we went to Dream World, and had fun there before leaving to Jakarta at 8:15 PM. Bye bye gave me a lot of joy and tears that I really cant forget…. See you again TVXQ!!!
Imel and her randomness

the remaining ppl at Dream World

Me and Erin again..HOOSU!!

At the Suvarnabhumi..Look at our expressions..we're so tired

My precious Tickets

and precious bracelet hohoho
Day 6, December 18th, 2007
Arrived at Soekarno-Hatta(Cengkareng) airport at 00:30 AM. Since my boarding house already closed from 9:30 PM, so I have to wait at the airport until 6:00 AM. The gud thing was there’re 2 friends were also doing the same just like me. Kkkk…we were chatting until 5:30 AM, and I was sooo fuckin sleepy already. It took like an hour to my boarding house by cab..finally Im home!!! Kyahahahaha,,,,,
Ah those days that I cant forget….i finally met my Junsu….