One day left before heading to Thailand to see TVXQ Concert. Cant express how happy I am right now. Coz im Daymn happy… xD. I already packed everything, but seems like I was too excited, I put too many clothes inside…xD LOL. I got to re-arranged the suitcase. Look at my suitcase, yeah it already went to Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Dubai, Beijing..xDD. so im sorry for bringing you to Thailand again, even when you look this ugly..XD. actually this is the only suitcase that I have at my boarding house. The rest of them are a sport bags. So it’s only the choise..*kissukissumybag*
Last night I stayed at Borobudur Hotel again, met my dad at Plaza Senayan, and have a dinner at one of Japanesse restaurant. I taught him how to eat japanesse food..kyahahaha….OMG, he’s so daymn greedy. He took all of my food..hahahaha…it’s okay tho, coz I was full already. Ah let me tell you my experience when waiting my dad, I met a Korean girl, she’s so cute with her curly hair, her name was Jung Hyun Joo, and she’s 4 years old. At first she kinda scared at me, it makes me think, truly there’s no children on earth loves me…>.>. I was eating d’crepes, and I think she wanted to try, so I asked her, “d’you want some?”, yeah it’s in English, coz I forgot how to say that in Korean.^^;;, and she’s so shy and hug her babysitter. I talk to her in Korean btw, LOL, yeah, I know some homey Korean, so that’s the time where I can practise my Korean..xD. she looked at my hijab a lot, and I told her, “igo irumi Jilbab-eui eyo”, LOL, and I told her to call me “Lola Oni”. And finally she smiles!! xD. You know what, we ended up playing “Jang Kei Po”, *Thanx to Bigeastation and Junsu..xD coz I remember the name. LMAO*. She loves scissors..all that she knew was only a scissors, hahaha made me think how she resembles Junsu a lot*ahem*, coz Junsu loves rocks. All that he know when playing a jang kei po game is rocks, rocks, and rocks..*howbakabutilovehim* xDD
When I told Erin about this, she asked me,”did you take her photo?”, and I was like.. AHHHHHH…xDDDDD. How cant I remember???? I brought my digicam last night, and even have a handycam in bag. xDD. T___T
Ahh my stomach is hurting again, I think im nervous. Hahaha…
So this is the last day in writing my entry this week. See you again next week yah.. I hope I will have a great time in Thailand, and I promise to share that with you…
my latest pics... xDD.

Ah, these are some of pictures that I took last night from taxi when going back to Hotel. I just wanna try this digicam. Btw, I have some tips..hahaha…I found out this last night, when you’re going to take a picture that actually have a light arrounds them, don’t use a flash, remember this is working both on daylight and moonlight…
xDD. Call me wicked..but by using flash, it’s only making your picture come out weird. Have a try, and if that’s not working on you, it means, that’s a false tips.. xD. Easy..kyahahahahaha…..
im sending off…mmuahh mmuahhh

Monas at night...hohhohoho
im gonna meet him SOON! xDD.*kkkkk*
where this pic come from?
i took this from xiahsoul...but i dont have a clue..