Me and Manda

Me and Yani-oni
Yani-oni and Imel
There were Bunda Ican, Imel, Susu, Erin, and Yani Oni. We have a great lunch at Pepper Lunch, and truly, I ruined my dietary schedule for emptying my plate. Felt guilty for that. Nyahahaha…. But it was soooo delicious. And there’s a special guess that day, Nophie, one of The Kimmys, came from Malaysia, im so happy. She bought me a present, a shirt that looks like the one at Junsu’s Birthday bash in Thailand, you guys remember other members gave Junsu a shirt that has a funny words on it? “Sorry Girls, Im Gay”. Hahahaha… Thank you soooooo much honey.. I love it, although I cant wear that shirt, so how bout if I change it to “Sorry Boys, Im a lesbian”, LMAO, NO SIR!! Insane... hahahaha…
Me and Nophie..^_^
*no comment*
Once again, went to Starbuck.. hahaha, because that’s the only place that has a free electricity contact for the costumers. And again, I got a surprise guess, the first one was Nophie, and now Manda!!! She’s in Indonesia… whoa.. such a great reunion.^^. So it’s time to celebrate YunHo’s birthday, Kimmys went to buy a cheesecake(my favourite), and when they arrived at Starbuck after bought the cake, they told us that there’s a funny story at BreadTalk, the guy at Bread Talk had to wrote down YunHo’s hangeul’s name over and over again, coz he’s not used to write that kind of thing before. Sorry mister…^^;;.