30 s Version
Behind The Scene
Finally the most anticipation CF of the year is out...kkk
I like the CF, it's so funny...^^.
So Changmin and Jaejoong, a.k.a JongShim were having a great tym together in Thailand, they went to a restaurant and also having a Thai massage. But when YunHo's calling them, it's not iin a rite tym. the rest three were so worried and looked for them
But when finally they realized it was a mistake, HooSuChun were really gonna smack JongShim on the head for causing them a lot in trouble when looking for them.
Kkk...you see there's a JaeSu moment in the end...kawaiiii....
*they cut sooo many of YooSu parts ...>.>;;;*
080202 YAMAHA CF -'We're Different-'s Presscon
my baby looks soo tired...T_T
but he's looking so gorgeous at the airport..hohohoho
okay, so what's wit the Hug days' hair, Micky??! -_-;;;
so now you broke your vow not to pierce any part of your bestowed body, eh??!

stunning as always...
woohoooo.......i love that ponytail..
finally you know how to make that messy hair looks kewl...yay!

Behind The Scene
Kkkkk.....he just cant help himself not to laugh...
gomen Yunho-yah....XD
credit : Iixiah + LJ + YoonhoThailand + YT + Uploader