So, what’s you'r guys doing?
Im here at my home, sitting in front of my laptop, while enjoying my loooong break. Finally I made my decision to take some times to breathe some fresh air, and healing my desease. One thing that actually I hate on this break is, I started to gain some weights! ><’. It’s killing me… my cheek became chubbier..T_T.
Finally I have an internet connections here at my house ^^!
Talking about my ‘activities’, not much. Just watching DVDs, TVXQ’s clips, and eating. Mwahahahaha….. now I know where I got those fats from.
Yesterday was Yoochun’s birthday, but unfortunately I cant send my wishes at my forum, coz I was arranging the internet connections to Telkom. ‘Happy Belated Birthdaaayyy, Yoochunah!’. I think im gonna make a banner for his birthday.

i watched lots of K-Movies recently, and found some good movies, but I don’t know why, after took a look good at those dvd case, I found out that I was quite mellow when picking up those movies. Hahahaha…. Mostly it’s all about looovee. Kyahahahaha…. ‘im in a mood for looveeeeee’ lalalalala….. *jodan* *jodan*
But im watching Trilogy Bourne, it’s a very highly recommended movies!!
Hahahaha… I forgot to tell you about this, but in our forum, there’s a new thread called ‘Interrogate Her!’, it’s actually a place for other members to ask to the moderating team everything about them. And the first victim was ME.
Hahahaha…. You know that im one of the admin rite? And being one, it’ll make your life quite in danger. LOL. As an admin I have to stick on the rules, and try to make everything under controlled.
So, I think it’s not my fault if I admonished those stubborn members to stay on track rite?
So yeah, a lot of members were scared at me, and started to talk shit behind my back. ‘ I know everything!’ *longsigh* Okay, back to topic, it’s already more than 10 members who posted their questions regarded me. I’d loved to read those questions, some were asking me some private matters, and others just asking about Junsu. Htehehehe… I promise to answer them wholehearted.
one thing that i love the most staying at hme is, i can rule the house. LMAO.
esp. my little brothers..xD