Sunday, July 20, 2008 / 12:05 PM
SPECIAL ICONS FOR YOU! tehehehe....i think it's been like forever since my last gpx post, rite?
you all knoe that i work depend on my mood. So, since last thursday, my mood was totally up again *many things hapenned and it made me happy (my xiahsoul slayer arrived, i found a kick ass speed PC Bank, and so on and so on)*, so last nite arround midnite, I made severals icons using Junsu's amazing poses from A week holiday Pbook and his latest CF.I hope you'll like it...and you know what, im accessing the net by stealing someone's connection. XD. im at my aunt's place, and from her 2nd floor's house, i found a wi-fi. XD HUAHUHAUA... diess in's quite low, but i can surfing FREELY...*is that a crime? puppy eyes*