Hello again…
Im on my vacation and it’s hard for me to get online. T_T. So last Sunday finally I had a seat to Pekanbaru,my home town. Actually, at the beginning after came from Thailand, my dad told me that I’d better stayed at Jakarta at my aunt’ place than went back to pekanbaru, besides it’s a high seasons, so maybe it’d be a lil’ hard to get a seat. But then last Friday he told me that I can fly to Pekanbaru last Sunday, so here I am, at my house. But that’s not the story. After landed at Sultan Syarif Qasim 2 Airport, got home, my dad told me that we’re going to Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, after lunch. Huwaaa…..tired….T_T *sigh*
So, around 4.30 PM, we’re off to bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province, it’s my mom and dad home town, it took like 5-6 hours by car. xD. And we arrived at Bukitinggi at 8.30 PM, tryin’ to look for a hotel, and I think since it’s a holiday’s week, it was really hard for us to find a room. Every hotels were fully booked, from the 1 star until the 5 stars hotels. My mom actually has a house in Bukittinggi but that place was a bit messed since no one lives there after my grand ma passed away last year. Finally we found a hotel, I really love the place, it’s located a bit higher so the view was beautiful, since Bukittinggi means high hills, so you can conclude what that place looks like. You can see many hills, mountains, all you can see is green,,green and green.

The next day when we took our breakfast, I found so many Malaysians at the restaurant.*random* Went out from that place we decided to walked around the hotel, and me who was really excited, playing around with my breath, huakakakakk….you know, you felt like you’re at the 4 seasons country,where there’s a smokes come from your mouth everytime you breathe. LMAO.

Our first destination that day was, went to my father’s staff’s wed at Lintau. It took like 2,5 hours by car, the view to reach the place was abselutely beautiful. I think this place was a piece of heaven that God threw that away to the ground. Kkkk…. After that we went to Singkarak lake, and playing around with my brothers, coz I really love water. Hahaha *random* From Lintau to Singkarak, if im not mistaken, was taking about 1 hours. Since it’s getting dark already, we decided to leave and going back to Pekanbaru. Wew, what a tiring yet enjoyable journey. Hohohoo….. at Padang Panjang, we ate a famous satay called Sate Padang..it’s so yummy!!


And there’s a disaster happened. We left from that veggies place around 7, and there’s an intersection, my father was in a rush since it’s a green light, and at the opposite road there’s a truck stopped coz it’s still a red sign at that section, and here it was, a stupid granny who came from the left road, and was about turning to the left, didn’t she look that our car already there? Stupid granny!!! Yeah she’s a granny, literally, *sigh*. And BRAAAKK…1!$#%%^&(*&^%$. Her car’s kissing our left side mirror. MY PRECIOUS REDDIE!!!! T_______T. you have a scar now, honey…huwaaaaaa…… and it was a hit and run accident!!! She’s just left after that accident!!! Bitch!! You know what, my car got it first scar, and it’s a loooooong scar around it left side mirror, and the left front door cant be opened…>.>;;;. I know that my dad’s so pissed but just tryin to calm down. So We decided to just forget about that accident, and everything just will be fine. And everything just went back to normal again.
What I loved the most when taking a family vacation like this is, I can hear my mom and dad talking about us, their children, our childhood, their dating years, a cute and sweet stories, all I have to do is just pretending to sleep, where they will start to chat. Hahahaha….
Finally, since it’s a night journey, my dad decided to just have a chill ride. LOL besides, after that accident, everyone in the car just still in a shock term huhuhuhu. and it took like 7 hours to get back home. Thehehehe….. here I am again, at my house. Finally I can breathe. Hahaha… shud I tell you that I gain some weights????? T______T. truly a holiday is a monster to a diet person like me…