Minna... anyooung...
im back from a very loooooong holiday...hehheheh.....and got to catch up on a thousands pages at Junsu's fansites, and LJ. kyahahahaha....*hosh hosh*
it's the fifth days of Rat year.. yay!! it's my year..my year,, xDD
So, what did you guys do when i wasnt here, not updating my blog? *suchanoverconfidentwickedasalwaysjustlikejunsusdo*
kyahahahah....im very in a gud mood.
i Found The best wallpaper alive. XD.
maybe you will be amazed by my wickedness, but that's why ppl calling me wicked.
Such a Pervert oops i mean, perfect pic for me. 1. I Love Junsu2. That's my fave dancer, i really wish i know her name.3. DAANG THAT'S REALLY HOT PIC OF JUNSU. Look at my baby's eyes. You know where that directions went.KYAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.........4. It's MY PAGE!!! i love the coreo..^________^You know that Junsu got many presents*asalways* from his beloved fans in Korea. and one of them was a MAC PRO!! MY DREAM...T_T *sniff**sniff*

2. MAC PRO..T_T , and brand new VAIOA(again)

5. it's Bally!!
7. colorful undies..kyahahaha...
8. Original Barca's Goods. i hate when i knew that Henry got transferred to Barca...
I LOVE ARSENAAAAALLLLLL, since '99..T___________T
9. CDs... whoa..
Wanna share a looooooottssss of Junsu's pics that also have a lot of meaning for me.
first, the
credits goes to Babyboss Picture + Xiahsoul.net + Xiahjunsoo.net + iixiah.com + LJ + on the pics1. I Loove this pic.. DAANG..what a perfect angle and moment..
hohho..i love the cap. wish he wore a nice cap at Thailand..XDD

2. an unseen pic for me, got this from xiahjunsoo...hehehe.
been away from that site..sowwwieee...
3. Oh GOD.. Look at that cute expressions, dan Koala's nose..
this was taken from Forever jacket making

4. I really really love his apperance in this show.
iono, but he looks like what i want, manly yet innocent look, looks like a baby.
see..the hair, and that expressions?

5. FYI, i love him even more after watched this musical drama. his innocent looks that really cant get out of my mind eversince..^____________^
6. actually this picture is the recent pic of him.
TVXQ will be in the show with SuperJunior called EHB. cant hardly wait for that one..hehehe
look it;'s a bird, it's plane, no it's Junsu...XDDD
7. Wohooo.... HE'S GETTING CHUBBIER!!!!
this is from Bigeastation's Fanmeeting, a couple of days ago..

8. wa wa wa... XDDDDD.
the girl, she looks like our Thailand's tour guide, Apple.. XDDD

9. One of my fave scene!!!!!! i was shocked seeing him did stupid things like that..
but i really LOOOOVEE THAT!!
10. charisma..charisma.. XD
Junsu from EHB show.
That death stare...DAMEEE!!
11. i cant believe i can see his passport pic..
12. woohoooo..
endorsed by clothing line, i forgot the name, sorry. ^^;;;
i got a very great info at xiahsoul..
xiahgoods are also for US!! XDD
but sadly, they already closed the sellings.
so we need to wait for another term. im so excited!