Thursday, February 14, 2008 / 5:13 PM

Did You Wear a Skirt?

BGM : Chatmonchy - Cosmo Town(OST. Bleach)
Mood : quite happy
wow im wearing's been a while for me a "while" ago..thehehhe....more than 3 years? iono, maybe..XD. can't you believe me?,it's not because the "V" day thingy, im not even wearing a pink clothes.. XD. today went back to campus, to see my lecturer, she took like 4 days off already, and it really scares me. the deadline for my thesis is just a week away. and she took a day off? T____T. i texted her, but it's weird, she's not replying my text, i cant call her, beside i was so scared, hahahaha, i ran out my credits. LOL
still waiting her message....doki doki desu...><''. im scared to death. * anyway, counting down to Junsu's single and Changmin's Birthday. whoa..i dont think i can give a contribution for his next birthday at my forum, unlike last year. it's hard to find his unseen pics. others have a lot of fansites to dig on, but Changmin's, i just can access IChangmin, and nothing new, coz they always post eveything at DNBN, so deffinately will always spreaded to all of boards all arround the world, ofcourse to my forum too.... i have some, got that from Junsu's fansites, but im afraid it's already been posted, gosh, i think i end up do nothing for his birthday..>.>;;;. Okay i have some wallies, but it's just a few..*pouting*. Okay where Changmin's Fans when you need them???? >.<'