Gosh, What Hapenned?!Found those pics after Susu texted me and said that they got a new hairstyles..okay, so the Oh-My-GOD-What-Hapenned-to-their-Hair had hapenned again, just like 2 years ago, when they prepared the 3rd Korean album. Kkkk... Junsu turned to yellow, i think it's when he dyed his hair, and dunno, but he still has a dark brown color, so what's with that shocking yellow thingy?! XD. *edited* i was blinded or something? Hahah.. i didnt see the blondie thingy on the back of his head.. kyahahahaha...so cute...like a jambul..huahahahahahaChangmin thank GOD, still has the same hair color and hair style. OKay, the rest 3 turned to brownish colors, but i like it, but Oh No..i kind of disagree with Jaejoong's new haircut.. XD. FYI, in INdonesia there're so many females have that kind of haircut. F.E.M.A.L.E! xDhe resembles the famous BCL... *no offense*, im gonna get used to it tho'.Just wait and see..hohohoh...YELLOW!! XD Omona... kkkkk...
I Like the way Junsu sit.
See..still with the same haircolor.. O_o*molla molla*
hahaha i saw there's some blondiesh thingy on the back of his head.. XD
Kkk.... Male BCL.OMG, im gonna be killed by Jaejoong's fans..
peace yo!
fluffy hair this tym. Looks good on ya..^^
Nothing to worry abt...TheheheheChunJae had a shot for a new show replacing Yashimanman at SBS,
and ofcourse with their newest hairstyles.
wearing ANDEW's

credit : cyworld+LJ+Iiixiah
wooohoo...my friend who lived in Korea told me that they're filming Purple Line's Korean version at wether on Music Bank or Inkigayo..
w00t w00t!!!!